Visiting Faculty-In-Residence Fellowship
Spring 2026 Call for Applications
CASA Cuba is designed for highly motivated students interested in a wide range of disciplines who wish to immerse themselves in the political, social, cultural and economic context of modern-day Cuba. The CASA Cuba program maintains an academic presence at the Galerı́a Haydee Santamaria (The “Gallery”) through its collaboration with Casa de las Américas. Students take a combination of courses taught at the Galerı́a and at the University of Havana. All courses are taught in Spanish.
The Consortium for Advanced Studies Abroad (CASA) encourages faculty from its member and associate member institutions to apply for a Faculty-in-Residence fellowship position, wherein the professor will be present onsite in Cuba for one month during the Spring ’26 semester and be engaged in local academic activities of relevance to Cuba’s historical, cultural, artistic, political, economic or social context.
Eligible candidates must demonstrate:
- Familiarity with CASA’s academic mission and values;
- Interest in advancing study abroad and the internationalization of higher education;
- Willingness to engage with CASA students, staff, and faculty in Cuban context;
- Expertise in a subject matter relevant to the Cuban context and CASA Cuba curriculum;
- Fluency in Spanish;
- Familiarity and comfortability with living and working in the Cuban context, including complying with associated OFAC rules and regulations.
Residential Terms: The successful candidate will be required to obtain an academic visa, sponsored by our Cuban host institution, la Casa de las Americas. CASA Cuba will provide the Visiting Faculty a desk space and WiFi at the gallery, access to Cuban health insurance, and assistance with finding adequate housing within walking distance of the Galerı́a.
Fellowship Duties: The Visiting Faculty will be expected to offer a (hybrid) public talk both at la Galerı́a / Casa de las Americas and the University of Havana on a subject of their current research/writing project, and will offer one internal workshop to a selected audience that is of benefit to the Cuban academic community working in the same area of expertise as the candidate. The candidate should also be available to advise and meet with students participating in the CASA Cuba program, and provide a written report (or other substantive creative deliverable) that may be used to document and promote CASA academic activities in Cuba to prospective students, faculty and partners. All activities are to be held in Spanish. The candidate is invited to participate in the CASA Center academic activities during their visit. Upon completion of the fellowship we ask for a brief (internal) report and a brief sequence that we can post on our website and annual report.
Compensation: As part of the month-long visit, CASA will provide:
- the cost of round-trip economy airfare for the faculty member;
- suitable furnished housing within walking distance of the CASA Cuba Center in Havana;
- Cuban health insurance;
- Wifi at Gallery and a Cuban sim card for data service on cell phone
- financial support for the planned public activities (honorarium for potential Cuban speakers
involved, local transportation, coffee-service etc.)
Individuals interested in applying for the Faculty-in-Residence position for one month should submit an application to Dr. Asabe Poloma, Chair, CASA Cuba Divisional Executive Committee at, by March 31, 2025. The application should include:
- A letter of interest indicating the subject they will be working and presenting on while in Cuba, and which month they would be available in Spring 2026; familiarity with CASA’s mission; commitment to advancing study abroad and internationalization in higher education; and, willingness to engage with students, staff and partners in the CASA Cuba program.
- The written and signed consent of their head of department or appropriate dean of the professor’s respective home university on institutional letterhead.
- Curriculum vitae and 400-word description of proposed subject matter while in Cuba.
Applications shall be reviewed by the CASA Cuba Divisional Executive Committee, which shall make its recommendation for selection to the CASA Board of Directors by April 30, 2025.