Research, Internship & Volunteer Opportunities

CASA Melbourne students have the exciting opportunity to apply for an internship or research placement during the semester. CASA staff work closely with students to identify opportunities which are aligned to academic and career goals. Students have found these opportunities to be extremely beneficial to developing their global perspectives and gaining cross-cultural experience in their field of study.

Some possible opportunities include, but are not limited to:

Neuroscience and Psychology

Cognitive Neuroscience Hub - Cognitive neuroscience investigates the biological processes that underlie human cognition. We strive to answer the question: How does the brain generate behaviour? To do so we combine behavioural methods with brain imaging techniques (such as functional MRI and electroencephalography), computational modelling, and artificial intelligence.

Ethics and Well-being Hub - MetaMelb - The Ethics & Well-being Hub seeks to develop and integrate expertise across social, personality, clinical, and developmental psychology—along with research in emotion, neuroscience, and decision making—to better understand how people make ethical decisions, how these decisions are shaped by processes within and around them, and how both of these factors impact on their quality of life and mental health.

Brain and Mental Health Hub - From brain, to emotion, to behaviour - our hub conducts translational, clinical, and neuropsychological research to individualise and innovate treatments.

Politics/International Relations

Australian Institute for International Affairs - the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) is Australia’s longest-existing private research institute on politics and international relations. Its mission is to help Australians know, understand, and engage more in international affairs. It does this through an extremely active nationwide and international agenda, grounded in principles of political neutrality and open debate.

Indigenous Studies

Research Unit for Indigenous Languages - The Research Unit for Indigenous Language (RUIL) is the first of its kind in Australia. We work with Indigenous communities across Australia and the region to expand and strengthen Indigenous language research, and to support efforts by communities to maintain their linguistic and cultural heritage.

Research Unit for Indigenous Arts and Cultures - Our vision is to centre Indigenous philosophies of practice in the academy and society through arts practice, arts research, research training and partnerships.

Computer Science

Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) - Our world-leading distributed computing research group is pushing the boundaries of how we can extract more performance and computer-power from large-scale networks of computing devices. Fog, edge, cloud and grid computing issues are a continuing focus of our distributed computing work.

Artificial Intelligence Research Group
*Please note that participating in the AI Research Group requires students to enroll in COMP30013 Advanced Studies in Computing. This is a 12.5pt subject in which students complete a semester-research project with a CIS supervisor and present their results in the form of a written report and short oral presentation.

Urban Planning, Architecture, Political Science and Environmental Policy

Melbourne Centre for Cities - Innovate4Cities -The Melbourne Centre for Cities is a centre of excellence designed to address the challenges that city leadership faces, and the information it needs, in an interconnected and increasingly urbanised planet.

Credit-Bearing Internship and Research Opportunities

Internship Courses:

Social Sciences:
Arts Internship (MULT20010)
Arts Internship (MULT30019)

Science and Technology:
Science and Technology Internship (30002)

Business and Economics:
Commerce Internship (CMCE20001)

Research Courses:

Social Sciences:
Independent Research Project (MULT30015).

Science Research Project (SCIE30001)

Biomedical Science:
Biomedical Science Research Project (BIOM30003)