Application Procedure

The CASA-Trinity program is open to students from all academic disciplines who have completed a minimum of two years study, are in good standing and have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.1 on a 4 point scale at their home institution.

Application Process
Students must apply to their home university to study abroad, as well as apply to Trinity for admission. To apply to the CASA Programme at Trinity, students will need to complete the Trinity visiting student application linked here by March 1 for Autumn and full year, and by October 1 for Spring:

It is important that applicants use their home university email when applying, and that they review Trinity's application process carefully by reading the step-by-step Application Guide on Trinity's Study Abroad site. As part of the application, students will need to apply to areas of study at Trinity, which they can then enrol in classes (modules) from during on-site orientation. Please note that you can only take classes from the areas of study you have applied and been admitted to. For a list of the areas of study available, see Trinity's Study Abroad Guide at the link above. See the Programme Flyer under the Resources section for further information and links.

Once students apply to Trinity, CASA staff will work with CASA partner universities to ensure that all relevant applicants are tagged correctly as CASA students in the Trinity system.